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"September is the perfect time to fall into your dream home.

Let's make this season of change the start of something new."

Monthly Resident Checklist


If you're considering buying or renting in San Antonio, be sure to watch this video to get all the information you need. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each option, and help you decide which is the best for you. Thanks for watching!

Mango Chamoy Paletas.jpg

Mango Chamoy Paletas

For a refreshing and local summer snack in San Antonio, TX, consider enjoying some Mango Chamoy Paletas. These Mexican-style popsicles are perfect for the hot Texas weather, combining the sweet, juicy flavor of mango with a tangy, spicy chamoy sauce


  • 4 ripe mangos, peeled and diced

  • 1/4 cup lime juice

  • 2-3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (adjust to taste)

  • 1/4 cup chamoy sauce

  • Tajín seasoning for sprinkling


  1. Prepare Mango Mixture: In a blender, combine the diced mangos, lime juice, and honey/agave syrup. Blend until smooth.

  2. Layer Chamoy: In your popsicle molds, add a small amount of chamoy sauce to the bottom of each mold.

  3. Fill Molds: Pour the mango mixture into the molds, filling them up about halfway. Add another layer of chamoy, then top off with more mango mixture.

  4. Insert Sticks: Place the sticks into the molds and freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until completely solid.

  5. Serve: Remove the paletas from the molds by running warm water over the outside for a few seconds. Sprinkle with Tajín seasoning before serving for an extra kick.

Enjoy this sweet, tangy, and spicy treat to cool down during the hot summer days in San Antonio!

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